Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)
Digital signature certificate is equivalent to physical signature of an Individual or organisation for doing various permitted activities as per Information technology act 2004.Its use is giving same value as would have use of physical signatures would have yielded. Presently DSC is widely used in signing various files related to Income Tax, ROC, DGFT,E Tender, GST filing, EPF etc. Presently DSC has wide application in many areas.The entire process to issue the DSC i.e Digital Signature Certificate is online and paperless as on date.
Class 3 Certificates-Individuals
This certificate will be issued to individuals as well as organizations. As these are high assurance certificates, primarily intended for Income Tax, ROC, e-commerce application to make a purchase, E Tender etc.With effect from 01st January 2021 only class 3 signatures are issued as per directions of CCA.The entire process to issue the DSC i.e Digital Signature Certificate is online and paperless as on date.We provide these certificates in association with companies like Emudhra, V Sign etc at most affordable price from comfort of your home with fetures like Ekyc .
Class 3 Certificate-Organisation (Domestic and Foreign)
This certificate will be issued to individuals as well as organizations both domestic organizations and international organisations. As these are high assurance certificates, primarily intended for Income Tax, ROC, e-commerce application to make a purchase, E Tender etc.With effect from 01st January 2021 only class 3 signatures are issued as per directions of CCA. The entire process to issue the DSC i.e Digital Signature Certificate is online and paperless as on date.
Combo (Signature +Encryption)Â Class 3 Certificate Individuals and Organizations
This certificate will be issued to individuals as well as organizations both domestic organizations and international organizations. As these are high assurance certificates, primarily intended for e-commerce application to make a purchase, E Tender apart from its use with Income Tax, ROCÂ etc. Combo certificate becomes must where there is specific requirements for submitting the information with help of signatures in most secured environment like submitting the e tender etc.The entire process to issue the DSC i.e Digital Signature Certificate is online and paperless as on date.